ducted air conditioning

When it's Time to Cool Off and Call the Air Conditioner Repair Service

Knowing when to call an air conditioning service can be more challenging than most people may think. Naturally, it's time to call the experts in when the air conditioner suddenly stops working in the middle of the hottest day of the year. However, there are plenty of other situations that are not quite as clear cut. One of the times when people are most conflicted about whether air conditioning repairs are truly necessary is when the air conditioner still works, but it just doesn't quite work like it once did.

When the air conditioner still functions reliably, but it just won't cool the home down as well as it used to, this usually indicates a problem with the system. The issue may be the most basic one: A lack of Freon. A professional ducted air conditioners can rectify this problem without even having to do major work on the air conditioner components. On the other hand, the problem may be something more serious. For example, the air conditioner condenser or evaporator coil may need replacement.

One way to make sure that the air conditioner is functioning at its peak is to regularly change the filters. While some newer air conditioners have filters that are designed to work for months or even years, checking them on a regular basis is always wise. A clogged filter can reduce the output of the air conditioner by half or more. Even if the entire system is working perfectly, a dirty filter may mean that it feels 20 degrees hotter than it should inside the home.

If the thermostat appears to be jumping up and down all on its own, the problem may not be with any of the actual components of the air conditioner. Instead, the thermostat may have a very simple issue that is causing it to adjust in improper ways. Even if a new thermostat is necessary, it is a very inexpensive item in most cases, and air conditioner repair providers can usually install it in just a matter of minutes.

Remember that air conditioners and heaters share equipment in most new homes today. That means that ignoring a problem with the air conditioner during the summer will only result in having to deal with a heater problem once the cold weather rolls in. Air conditioner problems do not tend to self resolve, so it makes sense to get a professional consultation as soon as anything goes awry.